Saturday, February 19, 2011

Catching Up The Breeze

                                                                  Dave and Xen
                                                                Walking barefoot :)
                                                                  Tin, Wabby Aike and Xen
                                                               Tintin muni-muni mode :D

Holiday. No work. Road trip.Bonding time.Share the laughter. Beautiful day.

I love the candidness and the joy shown on the pictures above.
It was a warm morning when we decided to go to the beach, to enjoy the sea breeze.
Then we decide to take our brunch at a Chinese restaurant nearby.
After which, Jim (not in photo) suggested that we'd go to a rainforest mini falls along the way and so we went.
They swam, Dave, Tin and I didn't. I love the coolness of water as it is at the middle of the virgin forest.

It was a lovely day indeed.

Sa uulitin ;)....

Rainbow On A Misty Morning

Cold morning. Lovely breakfast of wholemeal bread and peanut butter, fresh milk and one serving of fresh honey melon. Yum. Shared with my beloved.

Just on my way to work, two gorgeous and wide rainbows presented themselves on clear skies.
Oh how I love rainbows, it just reminds me of God's promise in the Bible. Whenever we see rainbows in the skies, it's a reminder for us of His love. In Genesis, the Lord said ''
I will establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all bodily creatures be destroyed by the waters of a flood; there shall not be another flood to devastate the earth.” 12 God added: “This is the sign that I am giving for all ages to come, of the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you: 13 I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.”
Thank you Lord God for reminding us of your Love...

Friday, February 18, 2011


Oh yes, the sky is so blue. Birds flying. Magnificient view.

''It's good for you to at least have a journal of your life journey or something that you can read on your later life''. Not mindless of how it went''. From the words of our dear Ate Lis. It got me thinking, yeah, it's true. Why not have a journal of joyful memories, of lessons learned and of blessings. That should be great, I said to myself. I wanted to be a bird who knows where it reached to, what fruits I have eaten, the beautiful scenes that I have witnessed, my journey with other birds and to where I am going. This is what got me to write my first..

I'll keep flying then...Cheers!